the Dwelling Management App


This is 's Banned Vehicles Listing

Complete the fields below to add a vehicle to the BANNED list.

Banned Vehicles: 13

Tag Number Vehicle Make Vehicle Model Color Reason For Ban TimeStamp
BADGUY1FordRangerRedBad music selection. 2021-02-25 22:54:32
VILLAN1FordF650BlackCommercial Vehicle parked overnight2020-05-27 05:04:47
BADGUY2FordRangerRedVehicle was bangin' loudly through neighborhood. 2020-05-27 05:04:47
HORRIDFordRangerBlueToo Loud on the horns2020-10-25 18:15:19
NASTYNASToyotaCarollaGreenbad guys are coming2021-02-21 00:29:32
WHATXXXFordRangerThis vehicle is being banned because it is yellow.2021-02-16 10:45:53
TRIPEXXXFordRangerYellowOne more reason2021-02-21 00:35:00
SEXEXXXFordRangerThis is an assistant doing. 2021-02-16 11:01:06
REGUXXFordRangerThis is another attempt to ban.2021-02-16 11:05:41
TRANSEXXFordRangerPurpleBroke Gate2021-02-25 22:55:10
0NEXXXFordRangerWhat is going on?2021-02-16 11:06:49
EMMARAEFordF350Hurt someone while driving. 2021-02-20 16:59:19
EMMARAEFordF350Hurt someone while driving. 2021-02-20 17:25:43

